
18petals' expert on TV/ Webinars

youtube image of child behavioral expert and other therapist discussing

Mirror Now (Urban Debate) | How to take care of Mental Health of your child in Lockdown | Child Behavioral Health getting impacted

Insights on "How parents can help mental health of children in lockdown", shared by Kiran Tevtiya, Child Behavioral Psychologist and Founder of 18petals, in The Urban Debate at Mumbai Mirror.

Lawyer, Behavioral Therapist and parent discussing digital or screen addiction.

Mirror now (Urban Debate) | How dangerous is online gaming addiction and ways parents can handle it. Digital and social media addiction on behaviour of children

Causes of gaming addiction? Methods to help the child and teenager? How parents can help the child at home? Is it about giving privacy to the child?

you tube image, Child Behavioral Psychologist and Therapist talking about coding classes

ETNow | How should a parent view coding classes with respect to child's development?

Does introduction of coding classes during young age help the children? What is the right age? How it affects the creativity, expansive thinking of children and other milestone developments? Are parents' fear of missing out justified?

Youtube link image of ETNOW. Psychologist and expert panel discussing. Learning and online schooling of children. Screen exposure, Social effect and personal touch of teacher.

ETNow | Impact of lockdown on children's learning | Need for in person schooling.

Learning of the child (reading, writing, arithmetic), Screen exposure, Social effect, Personal touch of teacher, Child's eagerness to go to school, Need for schools to open up is captured in the discussions of India development Debate.

youtube link image Child Behavioral Psychologist with other experts.

MirrorNow | How online schooling is working for children| The overall impact of confinement

Socio Psycho Emotional wellbeing of children in prolonged periods of confinement | Impediment of learning | Learning gap integration in academics | Internet enabled devices impact - Discussions on The Urban Debate

Youtube video image Psychiatrist, behavioral therapist & speech therapist discussing.

MirrorNow | How to handle anxieties of child and parents and recognize worrying signs

How parental anxiety affects children | Strike a balance between talking to children during tough times | Address child's stresses and anxieties | Children's psychological, emotional and social wellbeing | Parent child connect-Discussions on The Last Word.